The Greater Akron Aquarium Society
WHO ARE WE? We are a group of aquatic enthusiasts in the Akron, Ohio area. Formed in 1952, the Greater Akron Aquarium Society is a non-profit, non-commercial organization. Our membership ranges from the beginning hobbyist to the advanced aquarists with many years experience. The goals of our club are to promote the care, study, breeding, and exhibition of aquarium fish and related aquatic life and to promote interest in the aquarium hobby.
MEETINGS: Our meetings are held on the second Friday of each month at 8:00 PM at the Ritchie Memorial Shelter House at 109 West Avenue in Tallmadge. Visitors are always welcome. It costs absolutely nothing to attend a meeting and look us over.
MEMBERSHIP: Membership forms are available on the web page, or at the meeting. The cost is only $10.00 for adults or a family (includes children under 10) and $7.50 for a junior membership (10-17 years) for a paper newsletter. You can save money by receiving your newsletter electronically and get two years of membership at the same price. Membership provides an opportunity to socialize with others who share your interests, a subscription to our bi-monthly newsletter (Tank Topics), Library usage, and more. We also offer a corresponding membership for $10.00 a year.
AGENDA: Our meeting agenda is simple and informal. The meeting will begin approximately 8:00 p.m. with a short business meeting. Immediately following is the program for the evening which usually lasts about 45 minutes. Our programs consist of a speaker, a slide program, a movie, or perhaps a panel discussion – always on a particular subject related to the hobby or various species of fish. Following the program is a short refreshment break, after which the winners of the Bowl Show are announced, the Breeder’s Award Program fish are auctioned, and tickets are drawn for the Equipment and Book Raffles.
THE BOWL SHOW: Each month members can bring in fish for specific classes to compete for first, second, and third place ribbons. The charge for each entry is only $ .25. Members compete for annual awards by accumulating points throughout the year.
BREEDER’S AWARD PROGRAM: Members can receive recognition for spawning a species of fish new to them. The members can write an article describing the spawning or bring in six young fish for verification and auction. The members earn certificates and can work towards plaques which are awarded in different categories.
EQUIPMENT RAFFLE: The raffle table has such items as tanks, fish food and aquarium accessories that are donated by national manufacturers, area dealers, or purchased by the Society. Tickets may be purchased by anyone attending the meeting.
ANNUAL SHOW: Our annual show, Ultra-Aqua, is held the second weekend of June at the Tallmadge Community Center, 80 Community Rd., Tallmadge, OH 44278 just off Tallmadge Circle. This has become one of the largest all-species tropical fish shows in North America. It is a gathering of hobbyists to display their fish in class competition, to talk fish, and to learn about the hobby from experts from all over.
TANK TOPICS: The official publication of the Greater Akron Aquarium Society, Tank Topics, is published on a bi-monthly basis. Articles and comments for this publication are welcome and encouraged. Such articles are to be submitted no later than the board meeting prior to publication. All articles may be reprinted as long as the author(s) and G.A.A.S. are given proper credit and two copies of the publication containing the reprint are sent to G.A.A.S. Please send any correspondence regarding Tank Topics to:
P.O. Box 494
Akron, OH 44309-0494