As part of our monthly meetings, Bowl Shows provide an opportunity for our members and guests to bring in their livestock or plants to be judged in specific classes—as they would be judged in an actual fish show, such as the Ultra Aqua. These monthly Bowl Shows are a way to develop and practice the mechanics of showing fish. (See the Bowl Show Class Schedule below.)
►The charge for each entry is only $ 0.25.
A First, Second, and Third place winner is chosen for each Bowl Show class, and then a point value is awarded to participating members. Points earned from placing and participating each month accumulate throughout the year. At the year’s end, the title of “Bowl Show Champion of the Year” along with a plaque is awarded to the member with the most accumulated points.
Our Point System:
1st – 4 points
2nd – 2 points
3rd – 1 point
1 point per entry (Maximum of 10 points per class)
Your fish, aquatic animal, or plant entry to the Bowl Show should be displayed in a clear bowl, small animal carrier, container or tank of appropriate size, ideally with a contrasting background/bottom and a flat front side for easy viewing/judging. It’s also a good idea to have some form of lid for your animal’s protection. Although not required the Bowl Show, a black-colored background is helpful for judging fish.
Keep in mind bringing your animals in a “Styro,” Thermal, or cooler will help protect them from the elements and make transport easier.
Bowl Show Schedule 2024
January—Goldfish; Male Guppies; Minnows, Danios, Rasboras
February—Suckermouth Catfish; Male Bettas; Female Guppies
March—Barbs; Mollies; Corydoras, Aspidoras, and Brochis
April—Swordtails and Platies; Aquatic Invertebrates; Amphibians
May—Goodeids; Rift Lake Cichlids; Characins
June—No Bowl Show (Ultra-Aqua Fish Show)
July—Angelfish and Discus; Killifish; US Native fish
August—No Bowl Show (Moved to September: All Other New World Cichlids; Aquatic Plants; Rainbowfish)
September—All Other New World Cichlids; Aquatic Plants; Rainbowfish; Photography; Gouramis and Anabantoids; Sharks and Loaches
October—Arts & Crafts; Marine Fish; All Other Old World Cichlids
November—All Other Livebearers; All Other Egglayers; All Other Catfish
December—No Bowl Show (Christmas Holiday Dinner)