2018 Bowl Show—Final Point Standings
Congratulations to all of our 2018 Bowl Show participants!!
1 Jeff Plazak—113
2 Dave Williamson—99
3 Mike & Elsie Swanson—31
4 Will & Misty White—29
5 Wayne Toven—25
6 Ken McGill—13
7 Madison Shaw—10
7 Rik & Dana Borger—10
9 Emilie Myatt—5
9 Jeremy Hash—5
11 Brandon Shopek—2
11 Rob Williams—2
2017 Bowl Show
2017 Bowl Show Totals
Dave Williamson | 119 |
Wayne Toven | 81 |
Jeff Plazak | 59 |
Mike & Elsie Swanson | 31 |
Don Youngkin | 22 |
Misty White | 21 |
Bill Bilski | 10 |
Jeff Swanson | 6 |
Todd Zettler | 4 |
Violet Borger | 2 |
Emilie Myatt | 1 |
Bowl Show January 2017
Male Guppies | |
1-Mike Swanson | red Moscow |
2-Dave Williamson | double sword |
3-Todd Zettler | red Moscow
Goldfish | |
1-Misty White | calico fantail
2-Dave Williamson | bubble eye |
3-Dave Williamson | ranchu
Minnows, Danios, and Rasboras | |
1-Wayne Toven | Danio kyathit |
2-Bill Bilski | giant Danio
3-Dave Williamson | Danio kerrii
Bowl Show February 2017
Male Betta splendens | |
1-Dave Williamson | red half moon
2-Wayne Toven | yellow with blue
3-Jeff Plazak | pale crown tail |
Swordtails | |
1-Jeff Plazak | red silver maile |
2-Jeff Plazak | orange lyre tail
3-Jeff Plazak | pale lyre tail
Characins | |
1-Don Youngkin | blue-red Columbian tetra |
2-Jeff Plazak | candy cane tetra |
3-Dave Williamson | blind cave tetra |
Bowl Show March 2017
Barbs | |
1-Dave Williamson | filamentosa barb
2-Wayne Toven | filamentosa barb
3-Wayne Toven | cherry barb |
Mollies | |
1-Don Youngkin | gold dust molly
2-Don Youngkin | black molly |
3-Dave Williamson | female shenops |
Suckermouth catfish | |
1-Wayne Toven | L-107 vampire pleco
2-Wayne Toven | farlowella sp. |
3-Wayne Toven | Farlowella acus
Bowl Show April 2017
Female Guppies | |
1-Jeff Plazak | |
2-Jeff Plazak | |
3-Mike and Elsie Swanson | |
Corydoras, Brochis, and Aspidoras | |
1-Dave Williamson | Corydoras elegans |
2-Jeff Plazak | Corydoras sterbai
3-Bill Bilski | Corydoras nanus |
Photography | |
1-Elsie Swanson | gold severum |
2-Jeff Swanson | Pelvicachromis subocellatus
3-Wayne Toven | edtail sand loach |
Bowl Show May 2017
Rift Lake Cichlids | |
1-Wayne Toven | Altolamprologus compressiceps
2-Bill Bilski | Pseudo. elongatus chewere |
3-Don Youngkin | Rusty Cichlid |
Sharks and Loaches | |
1-Wayne Toven | Sinibotia superciliaris |
2-Dave Williamson | Botia sidithmunki
3-Wayne Toven | Horseface Loach
Aquatic Invertebrates | |
1-Dave Williamson | Bee Shrimp
Bowl Show July 2017
Natives | |
1-Dave Williamson | Everglades Pigmy Sunfish |
2-Dave Williamson | Gambusia holbrooki
3-Dave Williamson | Crenichthys baylei |
Plants | |
1-Dave Williamson | Cryptocoryne albida |
2-Dave Williamson | Cryptocoryne petchii
3-Dave Williamson | Java Fern
Angelfish | |
-No Entries- | |
Bowl Show August 2017
Platies | |
1-Jeff Plazak | Gold Tuxedo |
2-Jeff Plazak | Red Wag
3-Dave Williamson | Blue Spotted |
Rainbowfish | |
1-Wayne Toven | Millennium |
2-Dave Williamson | Signifer
3-Wayne Toven | Parkinsoni |
Amphibians | |
1-Misty White | Melanoid Axolotyl |
2-Dave Williamson | Dwarf Frog |
3-Dave Williamson | Albino Axolotyl |
Bowl Show September 2017
Goodeids | |
1-Dave Williamson | Allotoca caterinae |
2-Jeff Plazak | Blue tail goodeid |
3-Dave Williamson | Xenotoca doadrioi |
AO New World Cichlids | |
1-Dave Williamson | Herichthys carpintis |
Pairs (male/female) | |
1-Mike and Elsie Swanson | Pelvichromis taeniatus |
2-Jeff Plazak | Pepper cories |
3-Jeff Plazak | Blue Guppies |
Bowl Show October 2017
Gouramis and Anabantoids | |
1-Wayne Toven | Betta patoti |
2-Dave Williamson | Female Betta splendens |
3-Wayne Toven | Red shoulder paradise |
AO Old World Cichlids | |
1-Dave Williamson | Coptodon bythobates |
2-Wayne Toven | Steatocranus tinanti |
3-Wayne Toven | Paralabidochromis melanogenys |
Arts and Crafts | |
1-Mike and Elsie Swanson | Paper Fish |
2-Wayne Toven | Rainbow fish knife |
3-Mike and Elsie Swanson | Paper Fish |
Bowl Show November 2017
AO Livebearers | |
1-Dave Williamson | Limia garneri |
2-Dave Williamson | Xiphophorous continens |
3-Dave Williamson | Jenensyia onca |
AO Egglayers | |
-No Entries- | |
AO Catfish | |
1-Dave Williamson | Tatia intermedia |