Herb Kinney has been in the fish keeping hobby for over 50 years. He just recently moved to Akron, Ohio in November of 2020. He was formerly treasurer for Erie Aquarium Society (Erie P.A. ) and was also on the Board of Directors for American Livebearer Association, now being the Vice-President for G.A.A.S. He currently holds the ALA brood record for Goodeid Allotoca goslinei (67). At this time he is breeding several things including but not limited to; Assorted Angelfish (Pterophyllum), Cockatoo dwarf cichlid (Apistogramma cacatuoides), Bristlenose Plecos (Ancistrus), Assorted guppy strains (Poecilia reticulata), and several other projects.
Some of Herb’s interests outside of his fish keeping include oil painting, collecting Marvel comics, spending time with his 5 cats and taking breaks to hang out with his son and grandchild.
Herb is always looking forward to making new friends in the fish keeping hobby!
-Written by Clayton (A.J.) Kinney